8 Name and evolution of status and urban plan
The name of the city appears in narrative sources as Musti. In his Geography, Claudius Ptolemy (Ptol., IV, 3, 8) wrote about Moὺsti, located between Thabraca and Bagradas. The name of Musti is also confirmed by the Itinerarium Antonini (Itin. Ant. 26, 2; 41, 3; 45, 2; 49, 3; 51, 3), by the Tabula Peutingeriana (Tab. Peut. V, 2) in the form Mubsi. In turn, Vibius Sequester (De fluminibus, 37, s. v. Bagrada) wrote about oppidum Musti. The alternative name of the city, Mustis,-is (sanctissima Mustis, 4th c. AD), appears in the epigraphical evidence. The grammatical form Mustis (in Gen.) is confirmed by the phrase genio Mustis sacrum, which appears in the dedication dated to 2nd c. AD. But this form could derived from Musti,-is and from Mustis,-is. Musti – next to Thibaris, Thuburnica, and Uchi Maius – was settled by veterans of Gaius Marius. The official name of the city, municipium Iulium Aurelium Mustitanum or abbreviated municipium Mustitanum, the effect of achieving municipal status under Tiberius, is attested to in late inscriptions.